Must be your officially recognised name, as per your Constitution or Rules.
Name of person completing the form and endorsing the accuracy of the information in this form
You must have the authority to speak on behalf of the organisation.
Conformation of your application will be sent here. If it does not arrive check your spam folder.
5. Does the NPV Cinema operate under the rules of a "Parent Organisation"? *
For example an Arts Council or Hall committee etc?
6. Is this a new application or renewal of membership? Please select. *
6A. In which quarter do you want the Affiliation to commence? *
The affiliation fee will be reduced by 25% and 50% respectively for new affiliations in the second and third quarters.
A new affiliation in quarter 4 will be given 15 months for the price of 12.
Pro-rata does not apply to Film Festivals.
Congratulations - You qualify for a 25% discount. This has been applied to the fee.
Congratulations - You qualify for a 50% discount. This has been applied to the fee.
Congratulations - Your affiliation will cover you for the next 15 months for no extra fee.
7. Have you supplied a copy of your aims and Rules? *
A new application must be accompanied by the Rules or Constitution of the Organisation. If Incorporated using Model Rules, supply just Items 1 - 3 of those rules.
Send to admin@fvfs.org.au or FVFS c/o 17 Bruce St Mitcham Vic 3132.
7'. Have you supplied a copy of your aims and Rules and those of your parent organisation? *
A new application must be accompanied by the Rules or Constitution of both Organisations. If Incorporated using Model Rules, supply just Items 1 - 3 of those rules.
Send to admin@fvfs.org.au or FVFS c/o 17 Bruce St Mitcham Vic 3132.
7''. Have your aims and Rules changed since providing us with a copy? *
We need the last version of your aims and Rules . If Incorporated using Model Rules, supply just Items 1 - 3 of those rules.
Send to admin@fvfs.org.au or FVFS c/o 17 Bruce St Mitcham Vic 3132.
If a new application, use anticipated numbers.
If an NPV Cinema and an NPV film festival, add the averages.
This figure is used to determine the appropriate fee.
10. What formats do you use in the NPV cinema?
13. Please select the type of your screening location.
14. Is the NPV Cinema incorporated?
It is not mandatory to incorporate.
We ask simply for background information.
Names and Addresses of Office Bearers
We prefer that the secretary be your "official" contact for correspondence but realise that this is not always possible.
20. Do you want your organisation to be marked on our website as seeking new audiences?
21. Your organisation's details are listed at FVFS.org.au/members (click to open new window). Can you please confirm this listing is correct? *
We will assume your secretary is your preferred public contact on our website unless advised otherwise.
21A. Your organisation's details will be listed at FVFS.org.au/members (click to open new window). Can you please confirm we should show your secretary as contact? *
We will assume your secretary is your preferred public contact on our website unless advised otherwise.
Your delegates is your representatives at the FVFSfor ReelNews, meetings, voting and general information. So claim your full entitlement - You must nominate someone.
A special link to resume the form will be sent to your email address.