Presented with the kind permission of the Cornwall Alliance
This series of talks present a biblical view of “environmental stewardship” and warning against the dangers of unbiblical thinking.
Evironmentalism has become a new religion. Its policies are devastating to the world’s poor. Environmentalism threatens the sanctity of life. Environmentalism is targeting our youth. Environmentalism’s vision is global.
Resisting the Green Dragon takes its cue from James 4:7, “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
These talks seeks to confronts environmental fears and presents a Christian/Evangelical view on “God’s wise design” and how people and nature can thrive together.
They include …
- The False World View of the Green Movement Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
- Rescuing People from the Cult of the Green Dragon Dr. Peter Jones
- Logos vs. Mysticism: Environmentalism’s Flight from Reason Dr. Vishal Mangalwadi
- From Captain Planet to Avatar: The Seduction of Our Youth Dr. Michael Farris
- A Brief History of Environmental Exaggerations, Myths and Downright Lies Dr. Steven Hayward
- Putting Out the Dragon’s Fire on Global Warming Dr. David Legates
- How “Going Green” Impoverishes You, Your Church, and Your Society Hon. Becky Norton Dunlop
- Ravaging the World’s Poor Dr. James Tonkowich
- The Green Face of the Pro-Death Agenda: Population Control, Abortion and Euthanasia Dr. Charmaine Yoest
- Threats to Liberty and the Move Toward a Global Government Dr. E. Calvin Beisner
- A Biblical Guide to Genuine Creation Stewardship Dr. James Tonkowich
- Go Therefore and Make Disciples: Advancing the Gospel in a World Permeated by Environmentalism Dr. Peter Jones